New York City Solicits Public Comment on Proposals of Artwork for the North Philadelphia Redevelopment Project Site

New York City Solicits Public Comment on Proposals of Artwork for the North Philadelphia Redevelopment Project Site



City officials are soliciting community feedback on six public art proposals designed to beautify the outer walls of the Man Rivera Center along Allegheny Avenue and North 5th Street in the Fairhill neighborhood of North Philadelphia.

The city’s Office of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy has released a survey that the public can fill out and submit their opinions before June 29.

City officials said that when the Man Rivera art renovation percentage is finalized in the coming months, public feedback will help inform which design best reflects the community.

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The goal of the project is to commission an enduring, site-specific artwork that “truely reflects the people, culture and community of the Fairhill community, and to create a landmark artwork in this highly visible place “The winning design will be commissioned through the city’s art percentage plan.

In February, the committee selected 6 semi-finalists from 101 applicants. Each semifinalist received $1,000 to prepare a proposal. A budget of US$103,000 has been allocated for the commissioned artwork.

We strongly encourage each semi-finalist to collaborate with the local community to design their proposal to meet the needs and wishes of the public.

Below are photos of each of the six semi-finalists and their respective proposals:

Amber Art and Design

Man Rivera Center Artwork

Priscilla Bell & Misty Sol

Man Rivera Center Artwork

Henry Bemudez

Man Rivera Center Artwork

Jose Ortiz-Pagan

Man Rivera Center Artwork

Samuel Rodriguez & Karen Singer

Man Rivera Center Artwork

Marta Sanchez

Man Rivera Center Artwork

For more information, descriptions and photos of each proposal, please visit Polls.

Rivera Recreation Center and Mann Senior Center are among Philadelphia’s 400 community parks, recreation centers, playgrounds, and libraries, and were selected as the city’s Reconstruction initiative.

The multi-year plan is Enacted in 2017, $500 million has been allocated to improve community facilities, increase community participation and empowerment, and create economic opportunities throughout the city.

The $500 million budget was provided through city bonds, grants from the William Penn Foundation, and state and federal funds.The initiative also received funding from the city’s soda tax, which Passed in 2016 To offset the city’s bond plan.

The goal Reconstruction initiative Has been supporting community residents, connecting more Philadelphians with family maintenance work, and helping minority and female-owned businesses develop.

Rivera Recreation Center and Mann Senior Center are The second round of community station reviews in 2018 Refurbishment through reconstruction plan.

The MAN renovation project has been divided into three phases with a total value of 10 million US dollars. manufacturer, A local development organization, led the project.

Improvements to the 5.4-acre site in the Fairhill District of North Philadelphia include new ADA-approved playgrounds for younger and older children, updated outdoor basketball courts, and community gardens for seniors.

This Recreation center Provide courses suitable for all ages. Other features of the site include a public computing center, multi-function room, weight room and various gyms.

A complete map of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Project site is available at City website.


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