Due to a shortage of workers, Donny Park in Allentown has reduced summer working hours

Due to a shortage of workers, Donny Park in Allentown has reduced summer working hours



Due to a shortage of workers, Duny Park has announced plans to work five days a week this summer.

Located at 3830 Dorney Park Rd. In Allentown, Lehigh County, the most popular local amusement park will be open Wednesday to Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm-effective immediately.

A kind Facebook post from the park Said it is experiencing a labor shortage and cannot maintain its usual one-week schedule.

“Although we are actively recruiting and adding new employees every day, we must adjust our operational calendar according to the availability of labor,” the post said.

Duny Park is in its 138th business season. In a normal year, the park will employ approximately 3,000 seasonal workers, Morning phone report. It is not clear how many employees the park can employ this year.

The park says yes Vacancies Pay $15 to $20 per hour, such as food service assistants, ride-hailing operators, and security interviewers.

Park update: We have updated the operational calendar. To view our full calendar, please visit dorneypark.com. #????

Publisher Duny Park and the Kingdom of Rapids on Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Cedar Fair Entertainment Co., located in Sandusky, Ohio, which operates multiple parks, including Dhoney Park, said it has adjusted the business hours of some of its properties.

Duny Park said that as the number of employees increases, it will update its business hours and activities.

The labor shortage is not limited to amusement parks. The country faces a labor shortage and high unemployment rate at the same time. Harvard Business Review.

HBR stated that finding employees to fill low-wage and hourly positions is particularly challenging. In fact, companies in industries such as food service and manufacturing have begun to raise wages to attract more applicants.

The Klavon ice cream shop in Pittsburgh has difficulty hiring new employees at a price of $7.25 an hour. The Washington Post reports. The store has not received any applications for nearly three months.

When owner Jacob Hanchar increased the hourly rate to $15, more than 1,000 applications were received.


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