Israel allows right-wing marches through the Old City of Jerusalem | Israel-Palestinian conflict news

Israel allows right-wing marches through the Old City of Jerusalem | Israel-Palestinian conflict news



A statement from Netanyahu’s office stated that the march took place “in a form agreed upon by the police and the organizers.”

Israel’s outgoing government said that far-right nationalists and pro-settler groups will conduct a controversial march in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City next week. The decision was made a day after the event was cancelled due to security issues. of.

On Thursday, several Israeli right-wing groups planned to hold a so-called “flag march” through the walled old city Damascus Gate and into the Muslim quarter, which caused a recurrence of Hamas (the group that manages the besieged Gaza Strip) Warning of hostilities. If it continues.

The far-right group cancelled the march after the police denied them permission. But after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet met on Tuesday, his office said that the ministers had approved the march next week.

A statement from Netanyahu’s office said: “The parade will be held next Tuesday (June 15) in a format agreed upon by the police and the parade organizer.

Khalil al-Hayya, a senior Hamas official, warned Israel on Monday to “not let the march close to East Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound”.

“We want the message to be clear so that Thursday does not become [a new] May 10,” he said, referring to the beginning of the 11-day battle between Israel and Hamas last month.

According to the Gaza health authority, at least 254 Palestinians were killed in the Israeli bombing, including 66 children, while Israeli officials said there were 12 people in Israel, including two children, who were in armed groups in Gaza. Killed in the rocket attack.

The Israeli attack on Gaza took place after weeks of escalating tensions. Several Palestinian families were imminent and forcibly displaced. This is a Palestinian community in occupied East Jerusalem where Jewish settlers have been trying to deport them for decades. .

The situation escalated when Israeli police attacked the Al-Aqsa Mosque (the third holiest site in Islam) in the Old City of Jerusalem and injured hundreds of Palestinian believers in a few days of violence.

On Sunday, when the country’s legislature closes, Netanyahu will face the end of his long hold in power. Scheduled vote Approved a multi-party government to unite to overthrow him.

If the vote is successful, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his partner opposition leader Yail Rapide will decide whether to continue the march.

Labor politician Gilad Karif, a supporter of the coalition that challenged Netanyahu, described the move as “another chapter in the outgoing government’s attempt to leave the scorched earth.”

Regardless of whether the march continues, the tensions in Jerusalem are likely to continue.


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