I want to be perfect: how the myth of a model minority affects me and other Asians

I want to be perfect: how the myth of a model minority affects me and other Asians



The first-person work was written by Florence Hwang, a journalist from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Saskatchewan.

For more information on CBC’s first-person story, see common problem.

I am 12 years old and in the classroom of Judge Kobe School in Regina. Our sixth grade teacher, Mr. Clark, asked us to take out books to discuss the content assigned to us to read. Although I did my homework beforehand, I was frozen.

I hope and pray that Mr. Clark will not visit me. I tried to think about what I would say if he wanted to, and then thought of all the negative responses I might get, and then decided not to bother at all. When I escaped any doubt, I was relieved.

I still remember that moment in the 6th grade, but in the classroom discussions throughout the school and even the university, the pressure of ingenuity caused me great anxiety. I didn’t realize this, but I felt the influence of the “ethnic minority model myth”.

The term model of minority mythology was coined in the 1960s to express the so-called positive stereotypes of Asians, such as work ethics, the emphasis on education, and the desire for success, intelligence, and wealth. Research confirms that this stereotype may cause Asian students to feel that they are not measuring themselves and making up for their shortcomings.

According to a report in the American Journal of Health Research, Asian students are more likely to experience mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and isolation. As a result, they may lack confidence and self-worth.

I have never looked like a model minority. I also don’t think I am suitable as a Canadian. My mental health has been affected.

I was struggling at school when I was young, partly because the time to learn English was delayed (I initially learned the language by watching English. Sesame Street).

I want to know why I am not suitable for this “smart” stereotype. I thought I was just a “dumb” because I was an ordinary student before the third grade. Fortunately, my teacher, Mrs. Nicholson, gave me extra homework to help me improve my understanding.

Hwang (right) said that although she is an ordinary student, she struggled to feel “stupid” when she was young. (Huang Haoran)

In the fifth grade, my father taught me how to study more effectively. This work has been a lot, but it has paid off. He taught me that doing well in school is not only a matter of cleverness, but also hard work.

Learning how to learn does not mean that I suddenly become the best in my class. This is very helpful for my academic success, but it also puts pressure on me. I want to please my parents and do a good job. I want to do things perfectly. At night, I often can’t sleep and think of the homework I have to do the next day.

High expectations combined with discrimination

Typical minority myths cannot explain the problems faced by Asians in terms of discrimination.

Growing up in Saskatchewan, most of my classmates are white. Although they are usually kind, I don’t have many friends. I haven’t experienced a lot of racism, but I am still called “Chinese” and this word makes me more confused rather than offensive. I am not a man, nor am I born in China.

I will carefully analyze why I am not used to it. “Why don’t I chat with others?” “What did I do to offend them? What should I do next time?

Anxiety keeps me until midnight. Then, when I see how late it is, I will focus on trying to fall asleep or being afraid of falling asleep. I often feel tired and feel stomachache.

The combination of high expectations and discrimination has caused psychological harm to Asian Canadians. Some research has been done on this, but I think the mythological aspect and its impact on mental health need further research. I think there are some complicated cultural factors that have not been taken into consideration.

Like any different population, Asians are not homogeneous.

The mainstream media began to show more Asian experience through the following programs The convenience of gold, And like a movie Crazy rich asian with Maybe always be mine. I think there is still a need to describe all types of Asians in detail, not only a typical dialogue, but at least a beginning.

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