Is my child at risk of asthma?The study found that family history, race and gender are all influencing factors

Is my child at risk of asthma?The study found that family history, race and gender are all influencing factors



A new study shows that only a parent with a history of asthma can double or triple the child’s own risk of asthma, especially before the age of four.

Researchers at the Henry Ford Medical System in Detroit also found that black children are more likely to get the disease in preschool than white children. After the age of nine, this risk is reduced.

The incidence of white children increases in the later stages of childhood. Researchers also report that even without a family history, black children are at higher risk of illness.

Boys with a family history of asthma are also more likely to have asthma in the early stages than girls with the same family history. By the age of 14, the incidence rate is roughly the same between boys and girls.

“These findings help us better understand which groups of children are most at risk of asthma early in life,” Say Christine Cole Johnson, chair of Henry Ford’s Department of Public Health Sciences. “We can now use this information to develop interventions for those children who are at the highest risk.”

the studyThe study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA Pediatrics) and included more than 12,000 children between 1980 and 2014. These children participated in 31 cohort studies of childhood asthma in 30 U.S. states and Puerto Rico as part of the “National Environmental Impact on Children’s Health Outcomes” program.

All children are followed up from birth to at least their fifth birthday. They were all born at 34 weeks of gestation or longer, and there was no evidence of lung disease. 51% of children are men, while 49% are women. More than half of the children are white.

How to prevent asthma attacks

According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 12 children in the United States suffer from asthma, a chronic disease that affects the lungs and requires continuous treatment.

Every year due to Difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing and chest tightness

asthma Causes lung inflammation and airway constriction. Symptoms are caused by allergens or irritating substances that enter the lungs.

Other triggers include tobacco smoke, dust mites, cockroach droppings, air pollution, strong odors or chemical fumes, and vigorous exercise.

Respiratory diseases, such as the common cold and bronchitis were able Worsening asthma symptoms. Sudden changes in the weather, anxiety and stress can also be.

Two types of drugs are commonly used-drugs that provide rapid relief during an attack and long-term preventive drugs-commonly used to manage asthma symptoms. It is also important to reduce exposure to possible triggers.

It is not feasible to eliminate all the triggers in a child’s life, but the pediatrician says that parents can take some simple measures to reduce the possibility of frequent asthma attacks.

Here are some tips Independent Blue Cross, Health hotline with Cleveland Clinic.

1. Don’t let anyone smoke in the house.

2. Help children maintain a healthy weight. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to have severe asthma symptoms.

3. Encourage physical exercise and teach children how to control their stress and anxiety in a healthy way.

4. Try to keep the house dust-free. Clean the bottom of the bed and other furniture regularly, and wash the bedding once a week. Regularly monitor for any pest problems.

5. Make sure that children stay indoors on days with heavy smog or poor air quality readings.

6. Regularly check your house for mold spores. If left uncontrolled, black mold can exacerbate asthma symptoms. If you suspect that there is a problem with the mold, you may need a professional mold repair.

7. If your child has asthma, please avoid using any fireplace or outdoor fire pit. Wood smoke irritates the lungs and increases the risk of asthma attacks.

8. Use air-conditioning systems with high pollen counts in spring and summer to provide better air filtration effects.

9. When your child has difficulty breathing, please keep the log details. It can make it easier to identify potential triggers.

10. Perform allergy tests on your children so that you can understand their most sensitive allergens.


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