The CDC stated that schools should still wear masks and keep their distance from society before the end of the semester

The CDC stated that schools should still wear masks and keep their distance from society before the end of the semester



**Above related video: Due to CDC’s guidance, Ohio has changed its mask order. **

(WJW)-The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Saturday that they recommend that schools stick to the implementation Coronavirus disease A health guide at the end of the school year.

The CDC says this means that students and staff should continue to wear masks and keep social distance.

The organization stated that the decision to continue using the guidelines in schools was based on the fact that not all children are currently eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, and schools still need time to change their policies.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday relaxed its recommendations for mask wearing guidelines for people who have been fully vaccinated, saying they don’t need to continuewear maskIn most settings. The Pfizer vaccine is also approved for use in young people under 12 years of age.


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