Inheritance Minister Steven Guilbeault today urged members of Congress to “swiftly” pass the Liberal government’s controversial broadcasting bill, despite their claims that it may violate the freedom of speech of social media users.
In an appearance of the Heritage Committee of the House of Commons, Gilbert said that the C-10 bill is aimed at foreign streaming companies and social media sites, not individuals.
“Our broadcaster, our production department, and the entire cultural department are counting on this new legislative tool to continue to flourish on the digital platform,” Gilbert told the committee in French.
“The bill aims to restore balance. The arrival of Internet giants has severely distorted their own interests at the expense of local people and businesses.”
The C-10 bill aims to bring digital streaming services such as Netflix, Spotify, and YouTube into the jurisdiction of the Broadcast Law. The government is working to ensure that these companies comply with rules similar to those that apply to traditional radio and television broadcasting stations, including obligations to contribute to and promote Canadian content.
The bill came under fire after the committee deleted a clause that originally ruled out user-generated content posted on social media sites.
Internet legal experts and opposition lawmakers said that the removal of this exemption would give the CRTC the right to monitor the posts that millions of Canadians upload to these platforms every day, which they believe violates the charter’s right to freedom of expression.
Watch | Opposition MPs ask the Minister of Heritage to explain the C-10 bill:
Alberta’s New Democratic Party member Heather McPherson asked Heritage Minister Stephen Guilbeault about some Canadians’ concerns about the Internet Regulation Act. 5:23
At the committee, Gilbert cited a charter analysis conducted by officials from the Department of Justice, which was released yesterday. It concluded that the current form of the bill does not have any charter-related freedom of speech issues.
Guilbeault told members of Congress: “All of these things will not prevent anyone from putting their content online and sharing it, nor will it force anyone to watch online content against their will.” “You and me, like all Canadians. Like people, we will continue to enjoy the same online freedom as we are now.”
The amendment proposed by the Liberal Party members of Congress stipulates that the CRTC’s powers under the bill will be limited to forcing such online media companies to register with the CRTC, reporting their income generated in Canada, and providing funds to support Canadian creators and produce Canadian content. Discover more on their platform.
Discoverability on social media
Some critics pointed out that the “discoverability” requirement in the bill (designed to make Canadian content more visible in streaming services) would give the CRTC the right to influence the audio and video content recommended by algorithms used by streaming media sites. species. Social media company.
Professor Michael Geist of the University of Ottawa said: “Although CRTC’s powers are limited, the fact that it can prioritize content or effectively reduce priority in the name of discoverability directly affects hundreds of people. Ten thousand Canadians’ expression.” The Canadian Internet Law Research Chair said in an e-mail yesterday.
Conservative MP Rachel Harder directly asked Guilbeault whether the CRTC has the power to regulate the algorithm. Gilbert refused to answer yes or no.
He said: “The concept of discoverability is to ensure that Canadian content becomes more visible as part of these platforms.”
New Democratic Party member Rachel McPherson (Rachel McPherson) said she wanted to see if the bill passed. She asked Gilbert (Guilbeault) whether to send messages to Canadians who were concerned that their personal content would be subject to CRTC regulations.
Gilbert avoided responding directly, instead saying that many organizations in Quebec and Canada support Bill C-10, especially musicians, producers and writers.
Bill is threatened with a possible election
As the House of Commons plans to meet for another four and a half weeks before the summer recess, the committee has no time to complete its review of the bill. A conference call in the summer or fall will end the meeting and cause the bill to die on the order form.
McPherson asked Gilbert (Guilbealt) if he could promise to ensure that the committee had enough time to complete the review and pass the bill before the general election. Gilbert said that the Liberal Party does not want an early election.
Conservative members of the committee complained that, as required by a bill passed by the committee on Monday, Attorney General David Lametti did not appear in court to discuss the analysis of the charter.
Conservative MP Alain Reyes (Alain Reyes) said in a statement issued after the meeting: “We are shocked and disappointed that the Liberal Attorney General’s refusal to attend the committee meeting today.”
“Secretary Gilbert did show up, but he didn’t directly answer the question… [He] He did not deny that he would regulate the algorithm, nor did he address the concerns of many experts about freedom of speech since the Liberal Party voted to remove the protection of social media users. “
Lametti’s spokesperson said late Friday that he and Gilbert will both attend the committee on Tuesday.
David Taylor said: “Minister Rametti is aware of the committee’s invitation and will do so with Minister Gilbert, the responsible minister.” “In order to assist the work of the committee, Minister Rametti will be prepared to respond to the C-10 charter statement. And analyze some of the amendments prepared by its department.”
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