House Republicans removed from leadership of Trump critic Liz Cheney

House Republicans removed from leadership of Trump critic Liz Cheney



Washington (Associated Press)-House Republicans resigned Liz Cheney as the third Republican leader of the House of Representatives on Wednesday. They repeatedly condemned former President Donald Trump. Trump) punished her after false accusations of election fraud and his role in inciting Jan Young. 6 Capitol attack

Republican lawmakers met in a closed-door meeting for less than 20 minutes, and they voted R-Wyo by voice. Cheney (R-Wyo.)’s removal from the party’s third House of Representatives position was an unpleasant turning point in her party’s rapidly emerging career.

She has always been the highest-ranking Republican woman in Congress and the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, and her demotion is the latest evidence that challenging Trump may threaten careers.

Cheney sent a bold signal to an almost empty House of Representatives on Tuesday night, stating that she did not back down, carried out an unapologetic four-minute attack on her Republican opponents and defended her position.

She said: “Keeping silent and ignoring lies make liars feel timid,” I added, “When others lead our party away from the rule of law and join the former president’s crusade to destroy our path, I will not sit down and be quiet. Look at it. Democracy.”

Cheney’s successor is widely expected to be Rep. RN.Y.’s Elise Stefanik. She entered the House of Representatives at the age of 30 in 2015 and was the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Stefanik has a more moderate voting record than Cheney, but has developed into a vigorous Trump guard.

The resignation of 54-year-old Cheney from his leadership position is an amazing and perhaps historic moment for the Republican Party.

One of the two major parties in the United States actually announced a special acceptance requirement at the highest level: showing loyalty to Trump’s lies or at least remaining silent because he lied that he lost his re-election in November due to widespread fraud . In states across the country, officials and judges on both sides found no evidence to support Trump’s claim that widespread violations led to his failure.

Obviously, Cheney’s leadership era has been joined by several House Minority Leaders Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and the second largest leader Steve Scarlices (R-La.) to Trump. And within the support of other Republicans in the party.

Critics say that Cheney’s crime was not her opinion of Trump, but her insistence on expressing their opinions publicly, which undermined the unity they hoped party leaders hoped to show when they sent a message before next year’s election. Win control of the House of Representatives.

“This has nothing to do with right or wrong. Scalise said on Tuesday that this is the focus of the House Republicans.

Many Republicans also agree with Senator Lindsey Graham. He said that many Republican voters are so loyal to Trump that the party cannot succeed without him.

A few Republicans opposed the removal of Cheney.

“This will only separate some people from our party,” said Utah Senator Mitt Romney, who was the Republican’s 2012 presidential candidate and often clashed with Trump.

Several Republicans said that Cheney did not make obvious efforts to consolidate support before Wednesday’s vote, seemingly acknowledging that the numbers are not good for her.

Instead, she almost all set up billboards to promote the conflict with Trump, and declared in a column in the Washington Post last week: “The Republican Party is at a turning point, and the Republican Party must decide whether we want to choose the truth for the Constitution. And loyalty.”

Cheney has told Republicans that she intends to remain in Congress and be re-elected next year when she firmly supports Trump. The former president has said that he will find the main challenger of the Republican Party to oppose her.

Cheney joined Congress in 2017 and is a well-known brand of conservative conservatives. He advocates tax cuts, energy development, and the active use of American electricity abroad. By November 2018, she was elected to her current leadership position without opposition, and seems to have embarked on an ambitious path, which may include running for president, senator and even president.

During Trump’s presidency, she occasionally disagreed with Trump’s withdrawal from Syria and the pandemic’s attack on Dr. Anthony Fucci. But when she became one of 10 House Republicans to support his second impeachment because of inciting supporters to attack the Capitol on January 6, her career was turbulent. The Senate acquitted him.

Cheney said in an unforgettable statement before the impeachment vote in the House of Representatives: “The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flames of the attack. Everything that follows is his job.”

Her words — and her pre-vote announcement, which led the Democrats to quote her opposition in the debate — angered many House conservatives.

She resisted the conservative effort in February to free her from the leadership with a 145-61 secret ballot, but McCarthy’s speech represented her salvation. This is not expected to happen this time.

Since then, in a notable incident, McCarthy stood awkwardly nearby at the press conference, and she has been standing on her own ground.

Stefanick also arrived in Congress with the sterling Republican Party establishment certificate. She graduated from Harvard University, worked in the White House of President George W. Bush, and campaigned for the 2012 Republican vice presidential candidate Wisconsin Congressman and later Speaker Paul Ryan (Paul Ryan).

Her region bordering Canada and Vermont has voted on Barack Obama twice in the past four presidential elections, and then on Trump twice. She opposed Trump’s 2017 landmark tax cuts and his unilateral efforts to spend billions of dollars on its southwest border wall.

Stefanik became a fierce defender of Trump in 2019 as a member of the House of Representatives because the House of Representatives pressured him to force Ukraine to provide information about the destructiveness of its Democratic rival, Joe Biden. Impeachment of information. Then the Senate was acquitted.

Although Stephen Nick has won Trump’s adoration, some of the most right-wing conservatives in Washington still doubt her modest performance.

A member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, Texas Rep. Chip Roy scolded colleagues on Tuesday: “Republicans run for Republicans, but after they are sworn in, they vote for and push the Democratic agenda.”

Stefanik’s challenger has not yet appeared, and other conservatives, such as Scalise and R-Ohio’s Rep. Jim Jordan, are in her camp.

She said on Tuesday: “We have received strong support from the Freedom Caucus and others.”


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