TikTok British woman tried ranch dressing for the first time
Justice News Flash Report
TikTok British woman tried ranch dressing for the first time
Farmer Dawn had never heard of pasture before.
Dawn Farmer lives in York, England. She has lived for 21 years all her life, and has never even heard of the existence of pasture dressing…
…Until recently, when someone in the United States sent her a bottle to try. This is the video she tried for the first time-more than 3.5 million views:
BuzzFeed interviewed Dawn and he said that ranch is not common in the UK. “Like I said before, there are almost no ranches here-I have never heard of it!” So, what is Dawn’s idea? She likes it! She said: “My taste buds are so excited that they just cross the roof. The taste almost reminds me of Caesar salad dressing, but it is much thicker and seasoned with different flavors.
When it comes to dressings that are popular in the UK and less popular in the US, Dawn said that the US actually owns most of what they have. “Although, people should definitely try the brown sauce! Even the spread fudge, you will love or hate that!”
Dawn also played many other taste test videos about American food on her TikTok. Just like this viral video series, she tried American candy:
Liming said: “I have always been very curious about the differences between the United Kingdom and the United States-including food! So, I am very excited and interested in trying as many different things as possible. Playing on TikTok also makes me more curious to try that. All the different things on the side!”
So, what foods should the American people-the British people try? What foods should Americans try in the UK? Let us know in the comments!
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