The largest star known to mankind is 1,700 times larger than the sun!
If you put Fingers in the sky with stars, You can prevent photons that have spread to the earth undisturbed for millions of years Finally enter your eyes.
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Photon is the basic unit of light. They are made in the center of stars and will orbit for millions of years before reaching the earth. When you block the stars in the sky with your fingers, you are actually preventing photons from millions of years ago from entering the retina.
Do you know where The coldest place In the known universe?How hottest? Well, they are both on earth!
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Well they Yes. The coldest recorded temperature in the universe was created here in a laboratory on Earth (-273 degrees Celsius, or absolute zero). Since the beginning of the Big Bang, the Large Hadron Collider has also managed to create the hottest Record temperature (5.5 trillion degrees Kelvin).
In about 4.5 billion years, The Milky Way is expected to be Our neighboring Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy, forms a huge elliptical galaxy.
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And our big neighbor Jupiter is twice as big Just like the sum of all the other planets in our solar system!
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There is only one part of the planet’s surface, the huge storm of 150 years, called the “big red spot”, which itself is twice the size of the earth!
There is a planet in our Milky Way. The temperature during the day can reach 1,000 degrees Celsius and it may Horizontal rain It’s about 4,500 miles per hour!
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The planet called HD 189733b was discovered using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and is cobalt blue.
Scientists think they have found Parallel universe in nothingness Spanning one billion light years.
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This is a controversial hypothesis, but nothingness (possibly all-encompassing) may be evidence of a multiverse. It was discovered in 2007 and is 40 times larger than the largest hole previously recorded.
Therefore, we know that light takes a long time to travel through space, right?Well, actually there are Some parts of the universe that we can’t see Because the light there hasn’t reached us yet.
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The universe is so big that the light from the galaxies that formed during the Big Bang has still not been discovered by us!
Although soon James Webb Space Telescope It will allow us to explore the galaxies that formed at the very beginning of the universe and observe the stars that form planetary systems.
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do you know 500,000 pieces of space debris Floating above the earth and moving at a speed of 17,500 miles per hour?
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Basically, space debris is anything we leave in space carelessly—a few rockets, dead satellites and everything you have.
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Most of the larger satellites survived the violent re-entry process, and, to be honest, they often land in the ocean (ugh) or in a remote area. There is a group of researchers dedicated to tracking space debris and monitoring the risk of its collision with the Earth-as far as we know, no one has been killed by a little bit of an old satellite!
But the truth is that there is such a Kessler effect, Where a destructive event in low Earth orbit may cause all satellites to split into smaller and smaller fragments until the planet is surrounded by a large number of shrapnel clouds.
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This will make it almost impossible for people to leave the earth.
Have a Rogue super large-scale black hole Travel through space at a speed of about five million miles per hour
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Normally, every galaxy contains a black hole, but this galaxy has been kicked out of its native galaxy 3C186. This may be the result of a collision between two galaxies, which may combine two black holes. Astronomers predict that within 20 million years, it will leave the Milky Way and roam the universe forever.
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The probe was launched in 1977 with the purpose of studying Jupiter and Saturn, and is currently performing a second mission outside the solar system. Now it will flow through interstellar space forever.The earth will May have been vaporized by the sun In billions of years, Voyager 1 may still be moving in space.
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Venus today is a living hell. It has a suffocating atmosphere of carbon dioxide and almost no water vapor. The temperature there reached 462 degrees Celsius! But climate models suggest that ancient Venus may have ocean and land patterns like us. Various factors, including the ratio of water to land, and the idea that clouds might protect Venus from strong sunlight, suggest that the planet may have been habitable at one time.
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This is the so-called “cold welding”, and it happens because the atoms in the two positions do not know that they belong to different pieces of metal, so they will join together. This will not happen on Earth, because there will always be air or water separating the debris.
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These rogue planets do not orbit the stars, so it is difficult to see them at a glance-in fact, we don’t actually know if there are planets nearby. But statistically speaking, they are not close enough to attract attention. Considering the size of the solar system, we are actually a very small target.
Egor Suvorov/via Getty Images
According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, “dark matter” is the longest unsolved mystery in modern astrophysics.Indeed, it may not even Yes thing! Basically, the gravity in the universe is not exactly equal to the observable mass, namely planets, stars, galaxies, comets, black holes and dark clouds. Therefore, scientists have proposed that there are a large number of unobservable or “dark” masses in the universe, which are the source of all gravity.
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The idea is based on A complex theory called vacuum attenuation -Basically the self-destruct button of the universe! This is only speculation, but it comes down to whether the universe is in a true vacuum or a false vacuum-the true vacuum is stable, but the false vacuum is not. If a random quantum fluctuation allows a false vacuum to release its potential energy, it will create a real vacuum bubble that will expand at the speed of light and delete every object it touches. The destruction will be instantaneous, and depending on where it occurs in the universe, we may never see it coming. Remember, this is just a theory!
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In the end, this is not true in itself, but have you ever considered the possibility that we have already transmitted information to aliens in the distant past and are still transmitting information to them?
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Space is huge, and we have determined this, and thousands of years ago, we may have sent a message to space and forgot about it (think about how society changes over time). We are either still waiting for the message to arrive, or we are waiting for a reply to return to us. In this sense, we will continue to introduce ourselves to anyone else…
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