Semis Used To Transport Nuclear Weapons

Semis Used To Transport Nuclear Weapons


Dallas, 03/30/2017 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Texas truck accident attorneys of 1800-Truck-Wreck explains, “The current administration has stated it plans to expand the country’s nuclear weapons cache by upgrading the arsenal by $1 trillion over the next 15 years. With a nuclear weapons transport fleet that is already short-staffed and overworked, it’s troubling to think about adding more shipments and more routes.”  

When you share the highway with semi-trucks, there is always a risk of being involved in a serious or life-threatening accident. Semis can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, which means they do a lot more damage in a crash compared to a regular car.

Now, a new report sheds light on a semi-related danger few people know about. According to a Los Angeles Times article, a fleet of semi-trucks is responsible for transporting nuclear weapons across the country.

The Office of Secure Transportation

The report states that the “covert fleet” is part of a division of the U.S. Department of Energy known as the Office of Secure Transportation. The report also states that the department is “so cloaked in secrecy that few people outside the government know it exists.”

This mysterious fleet of semi-trucks may sound like something out of a Harry Potter movie, but it is very real. Furthermore, investigators report that the fleet is understaffed and overworked, which could be making the roads more dangerous for everyone.

Moving Nuclear Weapons by Semi-Truck

Tasked with moving nuclear weapons and their parts between military bases and weapons facilities located around the country, including Texas, the trucks within the Office of Secure Transportation cover about 3 million miles each year.

Reporters conducted an investigation that revealed the fleet is understaffed, falling nearly 50 drivers short from its goal. As a result, more than a third of the truck drivers who transport the nuclear weapons put in more than 900 hours of overtime each year. The Energy Department has said this overtime contributes to “a breakdown in morale and rapid turnover.”

A 2010 inquiry also found widespread alcohol problems among the fleet’s workers, including 16 alcohol-related incidents over a three-year span. An agent was arrested for public intoxication in 2007, and the agency’s top executive was charged with drunk driving with a blood alcohol concentration of .15% in 2009.  

If you have been injured in a semi-truck accident, or you have lost a loved one in a tractor-trailer collision, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and other losses. Don’t wait to speak to an attorney. Call an experienced Texas truck accident lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your case.




Media Contact:
Lucy Tiseo
Eberstein & Witherite, LLP
Phone: 800-878-2597
Email: [email protected]

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