Dallas, 12/15/2016 /SubmitPressRelease123/
The personal injury law firm of Eberstein Witherite is proud to announce the start of the Equal Access To Justice Campaign Fundraising that will benefit the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program. The campaign is part of Eberstein and Witherite’s commitment to help provide legal assistance for individuals and families who can’t afford to pay for those services.
“The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program is one of the most important pro bono organizations in the city,” stated Amy Witherite, founding partner of Eberstein Witherite, LLP. “We remain committed to doing whatever we can as a company to promote the good work that DVAP is doing. Justice should never be exclusive to only those who can afford it, and any organization that is willing to equal the scales is one that everyone should try to support.”
The Campaign for Equal Access is a program of the Dallas Bar Association that solicits donations from city residents who want to contribute funds that will be used to provide legal representation for those not financially able to do so. All contributions are used to support the DVAP. The fundraising has helped lawyers in the Dallas area offer more than $4 million in legal services on a pro bono basis.
The Dallas Bar Association and Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas established the DVAP in 1997 to merge their pro bono services to better provide free legal aid to families in Dallas who could not afford to hire a lawyer. DVAP clients are vetted to ensure that they meet the financial eligibility requirements. These clients are represented in practice areas that include housing, employment, bankruptcy, tax, family law and probate.
With the launch of the 2017 fundraising campaign, Eberstein Witherite is asking loyal contributors who gave $2,550 in the 2016 campaign to give that same amount this year. A pledge is all that is needed at this time, with the final payment due on January 31, 2017. Every contributor who pledges a minimum of $2,550 on or before December 15, 2016 will be featured in a full-page ad in the Dallas Morning News on December 18, 2016, as well as an ad in the DBA’s Headnotes in January 2017, and Texas Lawyer in February 2017.
Media Contact
Lucy Tiseo
Eberstein & Witherite, LLP
Phone: 800-779-6665
Email: [email protected]
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Social Media Tags:Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program, Eberstein & Witherite, Equal Access To Justice Campaign
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