09/11/2015 // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
Minneapolis – A Minnesota woman is suing a California based produce company over purported salmonella contamination. The Associated Press reported that the woman’s lawsuit claims she became ill after eating a salad at a Red Lobster restaurant in Farmington. She was reportedly hospitalized for a week after becoming severely ill on August 14.
The woman, Kathleen Dvergsten, filed the lawsuit against Andrew and Williamson Fresh Produce, Inc. The company, which is based in San Diego, has issued a voluntary recall on “Limited Edition” brand cucumbers and said it is working to determine whether the products are linked to a reported outbreak that has led to approximately 300 people becoming sick in 27 states.
The lawsuit is seeking unspecified damages, claiming the company had a duty to sell products that are safe.
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Url: https://www.justicenewsflash.com/minnesota-woman-files-lawsuit-against-produce-company-over-salmonella_13598.html