Do You Need to Slow Down?

Do You Need to Slow Down?


06/03/2015 // 1-800-Car-Wreck // (press release)

Yet, when people think about the types of road conditions that would mandate a slower driving speed, they typically think of winter weather conditions: snow, ice, and sleet. While drivers must drive slowly in those conditions, they must also be aware of other instances when road conditions mandate a slower pace.

Dallas auto accident lawyer Amy Witherite notes that a driver must slow down when driving:

  • On roads that are wet with rain;
  • On roads that are slick with oil or other substances;
  • in fog;
  • on roads that are uneven or marred by pot holes;
  • into curves;
  • in heavy downpours;
  • in windstorms;
  • on gravel or dirt roads; or
  • in heavy traffic.

Of course, knowing what speed to maintain under these conditions is a subjective determination. For example, a driver who grew up in the country may feel more comfortable driving faster on a dirt road than a driver who was raised in Dallas.

When deciding how fast to drive, a driver also needs to be mindful that he cannot drive so slowly that he puts himself at risk; creeping along at 10 miles per hour when other drivers on the same road are comfortably driving 50 miles per hour can be just as dangerous as driving too fast. If a driver does not feel comfortable driving at a speed similar to what other cars are traveling at, he should pull off the road and wait until conditions improve.

This article is presented by the Dallas, Texas personal injury lawyers at Eberstein Witherite. For inquiries, call 866-774-5410.

Media Contact:

Lucy Tiseo

Eberstein Witherite

Phone: 866-774-5410

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Url: Dallas Car Wreck Lawyers – 1-800-Car-Wreck

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