A Cell Phone App to Curb DUIs? States Get Creative to Reduce Drunken Driving

A Cell Phone App to Curb DUIs? States Get Creative to Reduce Drunken Driving


06/03/2015 // 1-800 Car Wreck // (press release)

A new cell phone app called ENDUI may prove promising in helping to reduce drunken driving rates. The ENDUI app, developed by the Maryland Highway Safety Office, is one that allows individuals to test their impairment level using interactive games. Individuals can also use it call for a cab or designated driver if they find that they are too drunk to drive.


Source: Associated Press Report “Too many drinks? New cellphone app may tell you so”


“A new federally funded cellphone app allows people who may have had one too many to get an idea just how drunk they are – and hail a ride home.”


To read more, visit https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/too-many-drinks-cellphone-app-may-tell-194700855.html  


“Every Two Minutes…”


Drunk driving accidents claim thousands of lives of each year. According to statistics found by anti drinking and driving organization MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) someone dies in a drunk driving crash every 53 minutes. A person is injured in an alcohol impaired related accident every two minutes. Repeat offenders are also stated to comprise a third of those involved in arrests, injuries, and fatalities linked to intoxicated driving.


Some believe that in the development of technologies like ENDUI, these numbers can be decreased substantially. According to a report by TechCrunch, analysts project that other states will quickly follow suit in developing their own version of the app, which is also anticipated to help decrease the large number of DUI arrests made across the U.S.


Source: TechCrunch Report “Endui App Looks To End DUIs”


“It kind of takes the guesswork out of a situation where you’ve had a few drinks and you’re not sure what to,” Tom Gianni, chief of the Maryland Highway Safety Office told the AP. “This takes all the brainwork out of it.”


To read further, visit http://techcrunch.com/2014/12/15/endui-app-looks-to-end-duis/.


Driving safety advocates and groups like MADD have for years developed initiatives in the hopes of curbing drinking and driving on a mass scale. Many see the use of modern technology to reach consumers to send out important messages like “don’t drink and drive” as a promising idea. Houston based DUI accident injury lawyer Amy Witherite says of the state in which she provides legal services, “Texas has yet to develop such an app that individuals can use to test their cognitive ability or reaction time before making the decision to get behind the wheel after drinking, but may become the next state on board to do so.”


The choice to get behind the wheel of a vehicle after consuming alcohol can result in a range of consequences for drivers. These may include getting arrested or having to pay fines and penalties. Individuals may also be forced to pay restitution to injured victims if an accident results from their decision. Organizations like MADD have long recommended that individuals who plan to consume alcohol arrange for a designated driver prior. The group recently discussed findings of a joint study that shows an increase in the popularity of ride sharing services like Uber have had an impact on the reduction of crashes linked to driving under the influence in a prepared report paid for by the San Francisco-based company.


Practicing safe driving habits is important for drivers to do at all times no matter the circumstances. Individuals who are unsure of what their state’s blood alcohol limits are for drivers, or who want to find more information about avoiding DUIs can do so by searching for information from resources like MADD online.


Lucy Tiseo

Eberstein Witherite LLP

Phone: 866-774-5410


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