Former girlfriend of Floyd Mayweather sues for defamation

Former girlfriend of Floyd Mayweather sues for defamation


05/07/2015 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Los Angeles – The former girlfriend of undefeated boxing champion Floyd Mayweather has filed a lawsuit for defamation following comments he made about her recently. The lawsuit was filed Tuesday by Josie Harris in Los Angeles Superior Court, the Associated Press reports.

The lawsuit references comments made by Mayweather regarding his 2010 domestic violence arrest. The boxer claimed in an interview that during the incident he was restraining Harris and that she had abused drugs at the time. The lawsuit claims that the attack was triggered by Mayweather’s jealousy over her relationship with someone else.

Mayweather, who pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and served two months in jail, told Katie Couric in an interview, “Did I restrain a woman that was on drugs? Yes I did. So if they say that it's domestic violence, then you know what, I'm guilty of restraining a person.”

The case comes days after Mayweather defeated Manny Pacquiao in one of the most highly anticipated boxing matches to date.

According to the lawsuit, “The statements by Mayweather during the Couric interview were totally and unequivocally false and defamatory… The true facts are Harris was not a drug-abuser or drug-addict.”

Mayweather is seeking to have the civil action dismissed. A hearing has been scheduled for June 8.

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