Cell phone app designed to detect how drunk people are

Cell phone app designed to detect how drunk people are


12/16/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Washington – A new mobile app may help indicate to people whether they are too drunk to drive. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), the federally funded app allows users to enter certain information that could help tell what their blood-alcohol level may be.

The app, ENDUI, also offers users the opportunity to play interactive games to test their reaction time in addition to aiding in calling cab companies and prospective designated drivers.

Kara Macek, a spokeswoman for the Governors Highway Safety Association, is quoted as stating of the app, “It’s unique… I think states are starting to go that route because they’re trying to reach consumers where they are and where they spend time, and everyone spends time on their phone.”

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provided funding for the app, which was developed by the Maryland Highway Safety Office for around $50,000.

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