11/21/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
California – Actress Kristen Bell recently donated $91,500 in baby supplies to help families in need. As reported by WebProNews, the expectant mother who is awaiting the birth of her second child, included Bravado nursing bras in her donation.
Bell is quoted as stating to ABC News of the donation, “I understand the importance of having the essential tools necessary to provide for a newborn. Greater still, I am aware of the immeasurable value of having support systems in place to ensure success on this journey of motherhood.
“Anything I can offer in support and care to new moms in need remains a huge priority to me.”
A baby shower in Bell’s honor was thrown by the non-profit organization Baby Buggy, during which 40 guests were fitted for the donated items.
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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/kristen-bell-makes-91500-donation-to-families-in-need_12665.html