Microsoft sued by Getty Images over “Bing Image Widget”

Microsoft sued by Getty Images over “Bing Image Widget”


09/04/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

New York – A lawsuit has been filed against Microsoft accusing the technology giant of copyright infringement. As reported by Reuters, claims made by Getty Images Inc. allege that the company’s product the “Bing Image Widget” grants access to numerous potentially copyrighted images.

According to the lawsuit, the product, which was released Aug. 22, allows website publishers to use digital images supplied by search engine Bing, to embed on sites using a pool of billions of online images that may or may not have copyright protection.

The lawsuit is quoted as stating, “In effect, defendant has turned the entirety of the world’s online images into little more than a vast, unlicensed ‘clip art’ collection for the benefit of those website publishers who implement the Bing Image Widget, all without seeking permission from the owners of copyrights in those images.”

A spokesperson for Microsoft is quoted as stating of the lawsuit claims, “As a copyright owner ourselves we think the laws in this area are important… We’ll take a close look at Getty’s concerns.”

The lawsuit was filed in New York on Thursday.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – New York Legal News

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