05/28/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
New Jersey – Students seeking the removal of Newark Superintendent Cami Anderson from her state appointed position have expressed that they plan to take further action to have their demands met after a recent meeting with state leaders failed to go as intended. As reported by The Huffington Post, the students say education leaders who met with them to discuss their concerns about the district diverted attention away from their requests.
Several teens from the student-led Newark Students Union met with Anderson and New Jersey’s Acting Education Commissioner David Hespe on Tuesday. Included on their list of demands was the immediate removal of Anderson, and the opportunity to help select the next superintendent appointed by the state.
Newark student Kristin Towkaniuk is quoted as stating of plans to take further action on getting their demands heard, “We had the meeting…We showed multiple sides of us by sitting down and having civic discourse. But at the same time our actions will always be louder than words, it gets more attention.”
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is an Anderson supporter, is quoted as stating of the matter during a recent press conference, “A few students sitting in the offices doesn’t concern me about the efficacy of Cami Anderson’s plan…It is a good plan, and students have a right to protest, as they always have.”
This report is provided by Justice News Flash – New Jersey News
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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/new-jersey-students-plan-further-action-to-oust-newark-superintendent_11981.html