Lizard head found in woman’s kale salad

Lizard head found in woman’s kale salad


03/15/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

New York City – A New York woman says she found a lizard arm and head in a kale salad that she had delivered from a restaurant. As reported by ABC News, the woman, Robin Sandusky, said she had already eaten part of the salad before making the discovery in her bowl.

Sandusky is quoted as stating to ABC News of the finding, “I turned it over and the gore was hanging out the back of the neck… I said, ‘Oh man. I have a lizard in my salad.”

Sandusky reportedly called the restaurant, Guy & Gallard, for a refund, but refused their offer to replace her salad.

Jason Jefferies, who is a managing partner at the restaurant chain, said they are investigating the matter and the chain had not seen this type of thing happen in two decades. Jefferies is quoted in the report as stating, “We keep our kitchens to the highest standards… Pretty much we’re shocked at the possibility this could happen.”

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – New York City Legal News

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