01/15/2014 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
Florida – A New York mother found a rifle left by the wife of Miami Dolphins quarterback, Lauren Tannehill, in a rental car while vacationing in South Florida. As reported by the Sun Sentinel, Judith Fleissig said she drove to the nearest police station after making the discovery while her daughter was in the car.
Fleissig is quoted in the report as stating of finding the weapon, “We got out of the car, we were kind of freaked out… I didn’t want to touch it.”
The rifle was determined to legally owned and left in the vehicle by accident following a review by authorities.
Broward sheriff’s spokeswoman Keyla Concepción is quoted in the report as stating, “Though dangerous if it would have landed in the wrong hands, it’s not criminal… They simply forgot it.”
Lauren Tannehill, 26, is married to Ryan Tannehill, who is reportedly the legal owner of the gun. The couple is stated to have called the rental company to report an item missing after the vehicle was returned.
This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Florida Legal News
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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/rifle-left-by-wife-of-dolphins-quarterback-found-in-rental-car_11364.html