Medicaid cuts for thousands of elderly delayed in Minnesota

Medicaid cuts for thousands of elderly delayed in Minnesota


12/31/2013 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Minneapolis – The State of Minnesota has decided to delay Medicaid rule changes that would entail benefit cuts for thousands of elderly people in the state. As reported by the Star Tribune, Gov. Mark Dayton ordered this week that the rule changes be postponed for a year by the state Department of Human Services (DHS).

As noted in the report, the changes were signed into law by then-Gov. Tim Pawlenty in 2009. The new rules, which were previously set to go into effect on Wednesday, would have required senior citizens to demonstrate their need for assistance in multiple daily living activities. It was estimated by DHS that 11 percent of those in the state who currently receive the Elderly Waiver would have no longer met the eligibility criteria under the rule changes.

Dayton is quoted in the report as saying of his decision in a statement on Tuesday, “I have asked my administration to delay implementation for at least one year, to assure that the necessary community supports are in place to ensure those seniors will receive alternative care.”

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Minnesota Legal News

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