Family of detained American in NKorea says he’s ‘being well treated’

Family of detained American in NKorea says he’s ‘being well treated’


11/30/2013 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

San Francisco – The family of an American tourist being detained in North Korea released a statement about his condition on Saturday. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), Merrill Newman’s family in California said in the statement that the 85-year-old tourist who had been held in the country for more than a month had been visited by the Swedish ambassador to North Korea and was in good health.

The statement is quoted as saying, “We were very pleased to hear that the Ambassador was allowed to pay this first visit to Merrill… As a result of the visit, we know that Merrill is in good health. … Merrill reports that he is being well treated and that the food is good.”

An official from the Obama administration has urged for Merrill’s release, asking that his age and health conditions be considered. It has yet to be made clear on the plans North Korea has regarding Newman’s release.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – San Francisco Legal News

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