Why Survivors of Catastrophic Accidents Need a Life Care Plan

Why Survivors of Catastrophic Accidents Need a Life Care Plan


11/18/2013 // LifeCare123 // The Life Care Solutions Group // (press release)

Based on data on catastrophic injury and Life Care Planning from top sources such as the Journal of Life Care Planning Dr. Greg Vigna, a life care planner, addresses why a Life Care Plan is essential…

Survivors of catastrophic accidents typically have a long road ahead of them. Depending on the nature of the injuries they have sustained, the process of restoring a sense of normalcy to their lives can take several months, or even years in extreme cases. In addition to the physical and medical needs of an injured accident victim, their emotional and behavioral status must also be assessed to determine how they can progress.

Catastrophic injury

A catastrophic injury is a severe injury to the spine, spinal cord, or brain, [1] and may also include skull or spinal fractures. [2] This is a subset of the definition for the legal term catastrophic injury, which is based on the definition used by the American Medical Association.”

To learn more about catastrophic injury please visit: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catastrophic_injury)

A life care plan is an assessment of the medical, emotional, and lifestyle needs of seriously injured patients who have a newly acquired injury as a result of a catastrophic accident. Without this type of plan patients may have difficulty identifying the types of resources available to them to support their long-term care needs. With a plan, patients have a guide or reference outlining what it will take for them to move forward and achieve the best quality of life possible with their individual prognosis.

Whether an accident victim has been faced with an amputation, spinal injury, brain injury, burn injury, or other serious condition, developing a life care plan is highly recommended. That is particularly true in cases where another party has caused one’s injuries and the victim is pursuing compensation for long-term medical care. The expert assessments included in a well executed life care plan can help increase one’s chances of obtaining a settlement that sufficiently covers their costs, but also allocates settlement funds effectively so that they are not overextended in one area over another.

Journal of Life Care Planning

“The IARP IALCP section is proud to publish the Journal of Life Care Planning (JLCP), the premiere peer-reviewed life care planning journal.”

To learn more about the Journal of Life Care Planning please visit



The Life Care Solutions Group can help individuals who have been seriously injured in an accident and require life care planning support. Injured patients or their loved ones can contact the group for a free case review today.

Media Information:

Address: 620 Newport Center Dr. Suite 1100 Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: 949-791-0358
Url: Lifecare Solutions Group

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