Family flees home after finding deadly spiders in bananas

Family flees home after finding deadly spiders in bananas


11/04/2013 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Michigan – A British family was recently forced to leave their home after finding deadly spiders on bananas they had purchased from a supermarket. As reported by the Huffington Post, Consi Taylor was eating one of the bananas when she spotted a cocoon, which held the spiders on her sack.

Taylor is quoted as stating to The Sun, “I had a closer look and was horrified to see they were spiders. They were hatching out on the table, scurrying around on my carpet.”

A local pest control firm identified what type of spiders they were. The family fled their Hampton home after learning they were Brazilian wandering spiders, which are believed to be the world’s most deadly type of spider.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – World News

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