When Medical Mistakes Lead to a Delayed Breast Cancer Diagnosis

When Medical Mistakes Lead to a Delayed Breast Cancer Diagnosis


10/14/2013 // jcreiterlaw (Press Release) // Jonathan Reiter // (press release)

In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, this October, many charities have gotten an early start on efforts to increase awareness about the disease. Raising funds to further research into better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat the condition are important goals for those who seek to reduce the incidence of breast cancer worldwide, which some statistics suggest contributes to more than 450,000 deaths across the globe each year.

Thanks to the strides made by organizations such as the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation throughout the years, it is more widely known that early detection is the key to winning the battle against the disease. Sadly, a number of women who take the recommended steps of getting yearly mammograms find themselves diagnosed with breast cancer at late stages of the disease’s progression. The situation becomes even more troubling when one discovers that their delayed diagnosis was caused by a medical mistake.

When a doctor misreads a mammogram or the results of a biopsy, and it leads to an improper or delayed diagnosis, this may constitute medical malpractice under New York law. A medical error of this nature can lead to a patient failing to receive treatment until their cancer has significantly advanced, which in a number of cases makes it too late to effectively treat.

Women who have experienced a late stage breast cancer diagnosis, and individuals who have lost a loved one due to a delayed diagnosis linked to a doctor’s negligence may have a valid cause for filing a medical malpractice claim for related damages. The New York medical malpractice lawyers of The Law Firm of Jonathan C. Reiter are available to help those with questions about their legal options in these matters. Individuals can contact the firm today for a free case evaluation.

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Phone: (212) 736-0979
Url: New York Injury Accident Lawyer

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