10/07/2013 // West Palm , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
Las Vegas – Some Lake Mead property owners say they are being forced out of their homes due to the government shutdown. As reported by KTNV, the properties, which are considered vacation homes, sit on federal land, and owners of the private homes are purportedly not allowed back in until the government reopens.
Joyce Spencer, who has with her husband owned a Lake Mead home since the 1970s, say they were told by a park ranger last that they would be required to leave within 24 hours. Park officials are quoted as saying in a statement about the issue, “Unfortunately overnight stays are not permitted until a budget is passed and the park can reopen.”
One of the lease requirements for owning plot in the area is that one must have an alternative residence.
The Spencers are reportedly staying with family nearby in the meantime.
This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Las Vegas Legal News
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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/shutdown-forces-lake-mead-property-owners-out_10848.html