10/07/2013 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
New York – Fox News Anchor Anna Kooiman apologized for a remark she recently made about President Barack Obama on “Fox & Friends.” As reported by the Associated Press (AP), Kooiman falsely stated that the president had offered to pay out of pocket for a museum of Muslim culture amid the government shutdown.
The remark was reportedly made on Saturday during a discussion on the program about facilities that have been closed. Kooiman is quoted by the AP as stating on air, “We’re going to talk a little bit later in the show, too, about some things that are continuing to be funded…And President Obama has offered to pay out of his own pocket for the Museum of Muslim Culture.” She reportedly did not mention the museum further.
Kooiman is quoted as tweeting about her comment on Sunday, “My apologies… Won’t happen again.”
This report is provided by Justice News Flash – New York Legal News
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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/fox-news-anchor-apologizes-after-false-obama-statement_10849.html