Export of Jane Austen ring purchased by U.S. singer halted by Britain

Export of Jane Austen ring purchased by U.S. singer halted by Britain


09/23/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

London – The export of a ring owned by 19th century novelist Jane Austen that was purchased by singer Kelly Clarkson has been stopped. As reported by Reuters, Jane Austen’s House Museum said Monday that fundraising efforts to purchase the ring and prevent it from leaving Britain had been successful.

Clarkson purchased the ring for 150,000 pounds ($227,000) last year at an auction. Culture Minister Ed Vaizey placed an export bar on the ring temporarily and made an appeal for it to be bought by someone in the country so that it could remain in Britain.

The ring is reportedly one of three of Austen’s surviving jewelry pieces.

Clarkson is quoted by Reuters as saying in a statement of the museum’s purchase of the ring, “The ring is a beautiful national treasure and I am happy to know that so many Jane Austen fans will get to see it at Jane Austen’s House Museum.”

Jane Austen, who wrote classics such as “Pride and Prejudice,” died in 1817.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – London Legal News

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