Coca-Cola runs ad to defend aspartame safety

Coca-Cola runs ad to defend aspartame safety


08/16/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Atlanta – Coca-Cola began running a new ad defending the safety of artificial sweeteners this week. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), the print ad is expected to run in USA Today, the Atlanta Journal Constitution and the Chicago Tribune.

As noted in the report, the ad states that diet drinks can help in weight management and stresses scientific evidence related to the purported safety of aspartame. John Sicher, editor of Beverage Digest is quoted by the AP as stating of the ads, “Coke is trying to get out front and proactively defend these diet sweeteners.”

According to information from Beverage Digest, sales of diet sodas are falling in the U.S. at faster rates than regular soft drinks.

A trend of more people choosing organic and natural ingredients has led to foods with artificial ingredients becoming less favorable.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Atlanta Legal News

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