08/01/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
Cleveland – An Ohio man convicted in the kidnapping of three women has been sentenced to life in prison. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), Ariel Castro, 53, received life plus 1,000 years Thursday after being convicted on charges for kidnapping the women and holding them captive for more than a decade.
Michelle Knight, 32, who was abducted in 2002, is quoted by the AP as stating to Castro during sentencing, “You took 11 years of my life away and I have got it back… I spent 11 years in hell. Now your hell is just beginning.”
Castro previously pleaded guilty on 937 counts and was spared the death penalty after striking a deal with prosecutors last Friday.
The women, who disappeared at the ages of 14, 16, and 20 years old were able to escape their captor in May.
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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/ohio-man-sentenced-to-life-in-kidnapping-of-three-women_9928.html