Arrest order issued for former wrestler over unpaid spousal support

Arrest order issued for former wrestler over unpaid spousal support


07/18/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

North Carolina – An arrest order was issued this week for former professional wrestler Ric Flair over unpaid spousal support. As reported by The Charlotte Observer, Flair, whose real name is Richard Fliehr, was held in contempt earlier in the month for failing to pay his estranged wife over $32,000 in spousal support.

Flair was ordered to pay Jacqueline Beems $4,000 per month after she filed for legal separation from Flair last summer.

Flair is quoted by the Observer as stating to the news source Tuesday regarding why he had not paid the money, “The reason I didn’t pay my ex-wife the 32 grand is because my son died and I was in the hospital for a month… I was in the hospital for a month with a blood clot. I didn’t go to work for three months.”

Reid Fliehr, 25, was found in a hotel room dead in March of a reported drug overdose.

Flair is further stated in the report to have said he intends to pay Beems the money.

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