Six-year-old transgender girl discriminated against by Colorado school district

Six-year-old transgender girl discriminated against by Colorado school district


06/24/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Denver – An attorney representing the family of a 6-year-old transgender student who was barred from using the girls’ restroom at her elementary school released a report from the state civil rights division stating the Colorado school district had discriminated against the child. As reported by Reuters, the parents of Coy Mathis, who was born male but identifies as female, filed a compliant with the Colorado Civil Rights Division after being informed that their child would be required to use the boys restroom or a gender neutral staff one last year.

The report is quoted by Reuters as stating of the issue, “Given the evolving research into the development of transgender persons, compartmentalizing a child as a boy or girl solely based on their visible anatomy is a simplistic approach to a difficult and complex issue.”

Kathryn Mathis, the mother of the girl, is further quoted as stating of the outcome, “All we ever wanted was for Coy’s school to treat her the same as other little girls…We are extremely happy that she now will be treated equally.”

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