Employees applauded after Dunkin’ Donuts racist rant goes viral

Employees applauded after Dunkin’ Donuts racist rant goes viral


06/13/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Florida – Two employees of a Dunkin’ Donuts in Fort Lauderdale have received accolades for their handling of an irate customer’s racist rant. As reported by The Christian Science Monitor, the 8-minute rant was recorded by Taylor Chapman on her iPhone as she berated workers after claiming she was not given a receipt for a meal she previously purchased.

Chapman demanded a free meal, which was offered to her, and preceded with her profanity laced tirade. She subsequently posted video of her actions online, which has since received enormous criticism from the public.

A spokesperson for Dunkin Brands is quoted as stating in the report, “Dunkin’ Brands’ leadership has reached out to the two crew members featured in the video… Both have been invited to an internal company event in Boca Raton later this month for further recognition.”

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Address: 215 South Olive Suite 300 W. Palm Beach FL 33401
Phone: 866-598-1315
Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/employees-applauded-after-dunkin-donuts-racist-rant-goes-viral_9524.html

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