Football star sues over $785K engagement ring despite $100 million contract

Football star sues over $785K engagement ring despite $100 million contract


05/06/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Houston, Texas – Mario Williams, defensive end for the Buffalo Bills, has filed a lawsuit against his former fiancé for the return of a $785K engagement ring. As reported by ABC News Blogs, the football player is pursing the lawsuit despite having signed a $100 million contract.

Williams and Erin Marzouki became engaged in 2011 and split last January. According to the lawsuit, Williams claims to have spent in excess of $1 million, including the amount of money put towards the ring, on Marzouki prior to her breaking up with him.

The report quotes the lawsuit as stating, “On or about Jan. 21, 2013, defendant (Marzouki) unilaterally terminated the parties engagement. The termination of the relationship was caused solely by the defendant. Defendant never intended to marry plaintiff (Williams) and used the relationship as a means to get to plaintiff’s money and acquire gifts. Defendant has absconded with the diamond engagement ring.”

The suit was filed in Harris County Court in Houston.

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