02/27/2013 // West Palm Beach , Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)
Hartford, Connecticut – The family of two children who were killed by their grandmother in what is believed to be a murder-suicide are now reportedly questioning why she had firearm access. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), the woman, 47-year-old Debra Denison, was stated to have had a history of mental problems; however Connecticut laws do not prohibit individuals who have been committed voluntarily for mental health reasons from owning a gun.
Denison reportedly shot her two young grandsons before killing herself on Tuesday. She had been expected to drive them to a birthday party from daycare before the killings occurred.
The killing of the two young boys has reportedly added to an urgent call for a legislative review regarding gun control measures in the state.
State Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, who is Republican, is quoted by the AP as stating of the complex issues that may be associated with the matter, “Some have suggested if there’s someone in your household who is being treated for mental disorders, does that mean if you go see a therapist once? Just think of the examples. You’re a child having trouble in school and your parents want you to go see a counselor, does that then mean the parents may not be able to own a gun or possess one?… Those are very difficult issues.”
Justice News Flash delivers the latest in Connecticut legal news.
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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/family-questions-gun-control-laws-after-murder-suicide_8807.html