New York Man Sues Church for $3M After 600-lb Crucifix Crushes His Leg

New York Man Sues Church for $3M After 600-lb Crucifix Crushes His Leg


11/19/2012 // WPB, FL, USA // Injury Lawyers News // Nicole Howley // (press release)

Albany, N.Y. — A New York man whose leg was crushed by a 600-pound marble statue is suing the St. Patrick’s Church in Newberg for $3 million, reports the Washington Post.

David Jimenez, 43, has filed a lawsuit against the Hudson Valley church, after a large crucifix toppled over onto him while cleaning the cross.

The statue crushed Jimenez’s right leg, and he was flown to Westchester Medical Center for treatment. Doctors couldn’t save his leg, and were forced to amputate it.

The accident has caused him to incur six-figure medical bills for his medical treatment. But the bills have since been covered by charitable donations.

Jimenez was reportedly moved to volunteer to clean the statue after his wife beat ovarian cancer in 2008. He reportedly spent hours outside the church praying before the crucifix for her to beat her disease.

Jimenez was reportedly standing at the base of the statue, holding the cross beam for balance while cleaning Christ’s face with rags and soapy water, when the whole crucifix snapped off its base.

It is alleged that only a single screw was holding the heavy crucifix in place.

The lawsuit was filed in March 2011, when the church claimed it was not liable for the accident.

The church raised more than $7,000 for Jimenez and his family, but he still has not been able to return to work.

The lawsuit is scheduled to go to trial in state Supreme Court in Orange County in January.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for New York personal injury lawyers.

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Url: West Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyer News

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