06/15/2012 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNews // Justice News Flash // (press release)
Canberra, Australia – A coroner has ruled that an Australian dingo is to blame for the disappearance of an infant who went missing from a campsite 32 years ago. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), the conclusion was made this week regarding the nine-week-old infant of Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton and Michael Chamberlain, whose story sparked national outrage and spawned a major movie.
The parents of Azaria Chamberlain were placed under heavy scrutiny regarding their child’s disappearance after a second inquest into what happened to her when she went missing during a camping trip in the outback led to the mother being charged with murder and her husband with accessory to the alleged crime after the fact. The dingo was deemed responsible in the first inquest.
Chamberlain-Creighton is quoted by the AP as stating to reporters outside of court, “We’re relieved and delighted to come to the end of this saga.”
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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/baby-taken-by-dingo-coroners-report-affirms_7164.html