05/31/2012 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNews // Justice News Flash // (press release)
Texas – A Texas honor student who was jailed after accruing several unexcused absences while working two jobs to support her siblings has garnered community support following controversy over her case. As reported by Good Morning America, a website, HelpDianeTran.com, has raised over $100,000 for 17-year-old Diane Tran, who refuses to accept the money citing another student may have a greater need for it.
Tran was charged with contempt and ordered to go to jail by a Houston judge after she acquired 10 unexcused absences within a 6-month time frame. The contempt charge has reportedly since been dropped.
Tran is quoted in the report as stating of the money raised on her behalf, “There’s some other kid out there struggling more … than me.”
Mary Elliot, Tran’s boss for one of her jobs, is further quoted by Good Morning America as stating, “I can understand if a child is staying out of school, running around, a bad kid, getting into trouble, taking drugs…I can understand why he would slap them into jail for 24 hours. But Diane doesn’t do that. All she does is work and go to school.”
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Url: http://justicenews.visionsmartnews.com/funds-raised-for-texas-honor-student-jailed-for-missed-school_7099.html