Texas Jobless Rate Continues to Drop

Texas Jobless Rate Continues to Drop


/cdklawyers.com// 04/07/2012

According to a recent news article, the unemployment rate for Texas fell for the sixth consecutive month to 7.1% during February. The rate is now the lowest it has been since March 2009 and is a full percentage point lower than it was in August 2011.


Job growth in Texas exceeded 27,000 positions during the month of February. These new positions were created in a variety of industries, including government, trade, transportation, utilities, education, and health services.


On a national level, unemployment rates declined in 29 states and rose in 8 states during February. (Rates were unchanged in 13 states and Washington, D.C.) Employers added jobs in 42 states, the most in almost a year. The national unemployment rate is 8.3%, the lowest it has been in three years.


As the economy slowly recovers and employers hire more employees, employment law issues may arise. If your company faces an employment law dispute or has concerns about how to handle an employment law legal issue, you may wish to speak to an experienced employment lawyer about your company’s legal rights and obligations. If so, please contact the Dallas, Texas employment law attorneys at Clouse Dunn LLP via email at [email protected] or telephone at 214 220 3888. 


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