Social Media Marketing: ‘Like’ it on Facebook- find it on Bing search results

Social Media Marketing: ‘Like’ it on Facebook- find it on Bing search results


03/14/2011 // West Palm Beach, FL, USA // Rene Perras…… Le Buzz // Rene Perras

(Lawyer and Social Media Marketing News)–Before we know it, Facebook is going to become a major force in our daily lives, so law firms and attorneys might as well embrace Facebook’s social network. Microsoft’s powerhouse search engine, Bing has integrated with Facebook’s “likes,” which will now appear alongside search engine results.

For example, if you search “New York personal injury law firm” on Bing, the search engine results will include a thumbnail photo and your Facebook friends who “liked” that particular law firm on the social networking site.

This is very exciting news for marketing companies, as it solidifies all the reasons why Internet marketers have urged companies to create, and actively use social media accounts for their law firms. With this integration into Bing search results, your law firm gains double exposure every time someone “likes” your page on Facebook. The “like” now will be broadcast to Facebook’s vast network of users and appear in Bing search results, which essentially works as a personal endorsement as you search the web. This can build consumer confidence and also help to minimize lawyer shopping.

Thanks to the advancements in technology, consumers can surf the Web while on-the-go through their smartphones, like iPhone and Androids. This has allowed car accident victims to find, contact and make an appointment to see a lawyer directly from the scene of an automobile accident. With the incorporation of the Facebook “likes,” the accident victim can see who their friends recommend, basically acting as a personal recommendation without having to pickup the phone and call your friends for their legal recommendations.

Furthermore, if your law firm hasn’t configured its lawyer website to a mobile format, you may be losing out on potential “accident scene or hospitalized clients” who are searching the Internet through Bing. Browsing lawyer websites not configured for mobile use can lead to frustration and cause the potential client to leave the webpage all together. The mobile sites make it much easier to read and locate information by potential clients.

As I have said before, the time is now for law firms and attorneys to jump on board the social media trend to gain exposure or new clients and maintain top-of-mind awareness for your attorneys. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are not going anywhere anytime soon, so it will be to your advantage to incorporate the social media sites into your lawyer marketing Internet campaign.

For more information on why social media is crucial to law firm marketing efforts, please visit “Rene Perras: Social Media is Crucial to Law Firm Marketing Efforts.”

CEPAC, a lawyer marketing and legal advertising agency, is a leader in the law firm marketing arena. Cepac offers effective social media campaigns, which implement proven tactics to help transition social media users into new clients and cases.

For more information on law firm advertising, social media marketing campaigns for lawyers or Smart News Technology, contact Rene Perras or visit

Media Information:

Phone: 720-ONE-RENE
Url: Lawyer marketing – Rene Perras

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