San Francisco Boat Accident: Two dead after falling overboard near Cliff House

San Francisco Boat Accident: Two dead after falling overboard near Cliff House


05/26/2010 // West Palm Beach, Florida, USA // Nicole Howley // Nicole Howley

San Francisco, CA—The U.S. Coast Guard has confirmed the deaths of a couple who are believed to have fallen or were washed overboard of their sailboat into the choppy waters off San Francisco’s famous Cliff House. The couple was reportedly returning from a sailing trip to the Half Moon Bay on Sunday, May 23, 2010, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle.

On Monday, the body of 59-year-old Jeffery Easterly washed ashore on San Francisco’s Ocean Beach. The body of Jeffery’s wife, Elizabeth Easterly, was recovered Sunday night.

According to officials, the Easterly’s were aboard their 33-foot-long sailboat named Barcarolle, and were headed for the Golden Gate when they somehow ended up overboard. An alert waiter at the Cliff House noticed the distressed sailboat around 4:30 p.m., and called authorities. A half-hour later, a rescue vessel was at the scene near the Seal Rocks.

When Coast Guard rescue teams arrived at the scene, they found the boat abandoned with its sail partially set. Sometime after, rescuers spotted Elizabeth’s body floating in the water, which washed ashore late Sunday.

The boat was left because of 8-foot-waves at the time, and the fact that it was so close to the rocky coastline made it dangerous to tow the boat.

By Monday morning the sailboat washed ashore and onto the rocks near China Beach.

There were reportedly no witnesses to the accident. A full investigation is underway.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for California boat accident lawyers.

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