Los Angeles auto accident: DMV worker injured in driving test crash

Los Angeles auto accident: DMV worker injured in driving test crash


Legal news for California automobile accident attorneys. A DMV worker was hospitalized following a crash during a driving test.

California automobile accident attorneys alert- A DMV driving test crash injured a driving test administer.

Los Angeles, CA—A driving test didn’t turn out so great for the test-taker, the DMV employee or the DMV building after a man lost control during his driving test and slammed into the side of the DMV building. The crash occurred around 11:00 a.m., on Monday, April 26, 2010 at the Department of Motor Vehicle office on Painter Avenue, as reported by KTLA.

The driver, Lucas Holliday said when he was pulling out of the driveway while taking his driving test, he stepped on the gas instead of hitting the brakes. The car then crashed into the building, causing the front bumper to separate from the car, a front tire to deflate and the air bags to deploy. Witnesses stated that it appeared the car was traveling at 10 to 15 mph at the time of the wreck.

The DMV examiner was taken to a local hospital by responding emergency crews for observation. It was not disclosed what types of injuries the DMV test administrator sustained. Some believe that the DMV worker hit his head on the windshield during impact. Officials did not state what the estimates were for the damage sustained to the building.

Holliday plans to retake the driving test.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for California automobile accident lawyers.

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