Motorcade escort training injured 2 California motorcycle cops

Motorcade escort training injured 2 California motorcycle cops


Legal news for California motorcycle accident attorneys. Two officers collided while practicing for motorcades; gets escort for themselves in the end.

Motorcycle accident lawyers alert- Two motorcycle cops were injured in San Francisco during motorcade training.

San Francisco, CA—Two police officers were hurt while training for a fast motorcade escort, when they lost control of their motorcycles and collided on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. The motorcycle collision occurred around 1:00 p.m., at California Street just past Grant Avenue, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle.

Officials have yet to determine what caused the collision, but they believe that a small rubber object that is used to hold a traffic post or pylon may have caused on officer to loose control of his motorcycle. The police officers were escorting a black Ford Expedition during the escort training session at 25-mph when the collision occurred. A witness reported seeing the motorcycles get “a little squirrely,” in which the witness thought was due to the cable car tracks. The witnesses said he then saw that the motorcycles “clipped each other… one guy flew over the handlebars. Stuff was flying off the bikes. It was a pretty bad spill.”

One officer reported sustained a leg injury, while the other officer suffered more serious upper-body injuries. They were rushed to the San Francisco general hospital in ambulances, complete with a police escort. They are both expected to fully recover.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for motorcycle accident lawyers in California.

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