Aviation accident – Two Afghan helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans

Aviation accident – Two Afghan helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans


Legal news for aviation accident attorneys. Two unrelated helicopter crashes left several American soldiers and civilians dead.

Aviation accident attorneys alerts- 14 American were killed in helicopter crashes in southern Afghanistan and western Afghanistan.

Kabul, Afghanistan—Monday proved to be one of the deadliest days for United States military forces in Afghanistan since the war began. A total of fourteen American lives were lost in Afghanistan in two unrelated helicopter crashes on Monday, October 26, 2009 in undisclosed areas. Military officials stated they do not believe gunfire from insurgents was connected to the deadly chopper crashes, as reported by The New York Times.

The fourteen Americans– including seven soldiers and three civilian U.S. embassy employees, who were tragically killed in western Afghanistan and southern Afghanistan. U.S. Military officials reported two coalition helicopters in western Afghanistan crashed in midair, and left four brave American soldiers and two others dead. Officials would not disclose the exact location of the crash, but stated the aircraft involved in the wreck was a large Chinook helicopter. The western crash reportedly injured a total of 26 people, which included 14 Afghanistan solders, 11 U.S. troops, and an American civilian.

The second crash, in southern Afghanistan, occurred after a firefight with insurgents. A NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) team was reportedly searching a compound, which was believed to be housing insurgents who were dealing in the narcotic trade. The ISAF stated the search broke out into a firefight where “more than a dozen enemy fighters” were killed. In a ISAF statement they reported, “As the joint force was departing the area, one helicopter went down to unconfirmed reasons.”

Military officials are reportedly investigating the two unrelated helicopter crashes.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal news for aviation accident lawyers.

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