Wisconsin personal injury – Scolding grease burns 7 restaurant employees!

Wisconsin personal injury – Scolding grease burns 7 restaurant employees!


Legal news for Wisconsin personal injury attorneys. A loose fryer cover sprayed hot grease and injured seven workers.

Occupational Health and Safety Administration alerts Wisconsin personal injury attorneys- A workplace accident injured seven from hot grease.

Kenosha, WI—An explosion of hot grease at a Kenosha restaurant burned seven restaurant employees. A loose cover on a fryer sent five workers to the hospital on Sunday, September 13, 2009 around 4:00 p.m. at Luigi’s Pizza Kitchen and Restaurant, as reported by the Chicago Tribune.

Accident reports indicated a cover on the chicken fryer at Luigi’s Pizza Kitchen and Restaurant sprayed grease across the restaurant’s kitchen and burned several workers. The cover of the fryer apparently wasn’t fasten tightly, and when the grease reached cooking temperature, the cover was flung open by the pressure, which shot grease all over the kitchen and onto the skin of the nearby employees. The scolding grease burned seven employees who were in the kitchen at the time of the workplace accident. Five of the injured workers were reportedly transported by area emergency medical services (EMS) crews to Kenosha area hospitals for treatment of their burns. The condition of the five victims is currently unknown. Two other injured employees were evaluated by responding EMS teams, and declined further medical treatment. Officials with the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) http://www.osha.gov/ is expected to conduct a full investigation into the workplace accident.

Legal News Reporter: Nicole Howley-Legal News for Wisconsin personal injury lawyers.

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