Feds issue day care Swine flu guidelines

Feds issue day care Swine flu guidelines


The Department of Health and Human Services issued H1N1 swine flu guidelines for early childhood programs to limit the spread of the virus.

Florida personal injury lawyer education-Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issues swine flu updates for early childhood programs and urges flu shots.

West Palm Beach, FL–U.S. Health officials with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)http://www.hhs.gov issued new guidelines for early childhood programs like Head Start and day care centers regarding the swine flu on September 4, 2009. Children under the age of 5 are a focus for health officials across the U.S. And worldwide since young children are at an increased risk for complication associated with the H1N1 swine flu, including death. Children die from the flu and the virus spreads rapidly through young communities because kids share toys, cough, sneeze, do not wash their hands, and play in very close proximity to one another.

The H1N1 vaccination is scheduled to become available mid-October and parents are strongly urged to vaccinate their children with the H1N1 vaccine and the seasonal flu shot. Since infants under the age of 6 months are not eligible for vaccination with flu shots parents, caregivers, and day-care staffers are strongly urged to received the vaccine to protect themselves and children. Pregnant woman also fall in the high risk category and HHS officials urge expectant mothers to participate in vaccination with the flu shot.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) http://www.cdc.gov has posted recommendations on how to handle swine flu based on levels of severity on their website. The suggestions on strategies for child car programs during the 2009-2010 flu season, for incidents of swine flu similar to the spring and summer of 2009 are as follows:

-Get vaccinated against the flu
-Stay home when sick until at least 24 hours after they are free of fever without using fever reducing medications
-Conduct daily health checks of providers, all children, and staff and talk with each child’s parents. Evaluate child’s behavior, report of illness or recent visit to a health care provider, and any signs or symptoms of illness
-Separate children and staff as soon as they develop flu-like symptoms until they can be sent home
-Practice and encourage good hand hygiene and respiratory precautions. Wash hands and cover noses and mouths with a tissue when coughing and sneezing
-Perform routine environmental cleaning. Clean visibly soiled areas immediately and routinely clean paying attention to highly used items.
-Encourage early treatment for children and staff who are at high risk for flu complications and consider selective early childhood program closures especially in high risk communities

Staying educated and aware of the signs and symptoms of the flu can help you and your children navigate the flu season with the least amount of complications. Maintaining good prevention techniques and implementing the nationally suggested strategies immediately upon signs and symptoms of the flu may save you and your family from serious illness and even death. School administrations, educators, early childhood programs, child care centers, and health care providers are required to maintain a national standard of care within their professions. If you or your child has become ill or injured because of the negligence of a professional you may be entitled to compensation. Contacting a Florida personal injury lawyer may help you and your family recover.

Florida personal injury lawyer eduction by legal news reporter Heather L. Ryan.

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