Legal news for Florida medical malpractice attorneys.
Negligent Miami doctor intentionally administers wrong patient treatments!
Miami, FL–Most patients and there family members assume doctors and surgeons are licensed and highly qualified to practice medicine. Consumers and patients also believe doctors and nurses work to help the injured, sickened, and diseased to recover. The majority of healthcare providers are licensed, qualified, and work for the benefit of the ill. However, the HIV patients receiving chronic medical treatments at Miami’s Midway Medical Center Inc. (Midway), were shocked to discover this was not the case with Dr. Roberto Rodriguez. On June 29, 2009, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced Dr. Roberto Rodriguez, a 54 year-old Miami physician, was sentenced to 97 months in prison. The South Florida physician was also ordered to pay $9 million dollars in restitution to the Medicare program after pleading guilty to fraud in a federal court room in March of this year. The South Florida doctor was sentenced in U.S. District Court, by Judge Paul C. Huck, after pleading guilty to falsifying patient lab results, administering unnecessary medications and treatments to suffering HIV patients, and performing other medical malpractice activities to bilk the federal Medicare program out of millions of dollars for his own personal welfare.
Rodriguez’s guilty plea to federal healthcare fraud revealed he was a coowner in a Miami medical clinic specializing in the treatment of HIV patients. While practicing at Midway, Rodriguez falsely diagnosed patients with thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder; then prescribed and ordered patients to take medications and undergo medical treatments aimed at treating the fraudulently diagnosed illness. According to the federal government strike force, DOJ-HHS Medicare Fraud Strike Force, which consists of lawyers, investigators, and officials from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and HHS, Rodriguez and his named coconspirators fraudulently billed over $600 million in false diagnoses, medical treatments, and care to the federal Medicare program.
The need to protect yourself and loved ones while receiving medical treatments from doctors and surgeons is not the typical thinking of most patients. Across the United States most patients and family members assume their treating medical provider is highly trained and licensed. Florida residents are urged to ask their medical doctor questions about his/her qualifications and research the physicians back ground. Navigating today’s healthcare system can be a challenge. Here are some questions for you to ask your doctor to get you on the right track to receiving competent care to avoid the pitfalls of becoming a victim to medical malpractice:
-What medical school did you attend? (make sure they received the degree)
-Are you currently licensed in the state of Florida (or the state your are seeking care-Go to the Florida Department of Health and research the doctor
-Are you board certified? (board certification requires physicians to complete extra years of specialty training and pass an examination)
-Do you maintain continuing medical education? (Continuing Medical Eduction-CME-helps medical providers maintain, develop, and increase their knowledge, skills, and professional performance)
-Do you specialize in the treatment of my illness/disease? (If you have a heart problem, go to a heart doctor. You wouldn’t take your sick goat to a butcher.)
Performing a Google search of your doctor may reveal lawsuits or other items of concern. It may also show you if they are an authority regarding your illness or disease. Asking your doctor the right questions and participating in basic research can save you and your loved ones from becoming victims of negligence by a healthcare provider and medical malpractice. If you believe you or someone you know has fallen victim to medical malpractice or negligence contact a West Palm Beach medical malpractice lawyer to help you recover from your injuries and damages.
South Florida medical malpractice news crafted by Susan B. Ramsey, a West Palm Beach personal injury lawyer litigating Florida medical malpractice lawsuits. Toll Free: 888-302-6930