Internet marketing for Law Firms: Does Your Law Firm Have All the Right Stuff For the lawyer web site design

Internet marketing for Law Firms: Does Your Law Firm Have All the Right Stuff For the lawyer web site design


/ Quinlan/ 06/16/2009
Over the years we have become familiar with many law firms that have all of the right stuff to build a successful practice.  They have attorneys with brilliant minds. They have major recoveries both in and out of the courtroom.  They have the financial resources to fund even the most complex cases.  They have the people skills to convince potential clients and juries that they are the real deal.  The one thing that they lack is the knowledge and confidence to take the leap into Internet marketing for law firms. 

Without this key element in place, even the most skilled trial firms may be relegated to obtaining the majority of their cases through referrals.  As more and more consumers use the Internet, rather than the yellow pages to search for goods and services, firms that have shied away from traditional advertising like TV, need to develop a relationship with a seasoned legal marketer to take advantage of this subtler but highly effective medium.

If a personal injury, family law, real estate or a wills and estates attorney wants to acquire more consumers as clients, they must have a website, and that site needs to be much more than an online brochure. It must clearly personalize the firm, provide insights about the attorneys, offer relevant answers to the questions typically asked by potential clients and it absolutely must have a dedicated tracking phone number and a simple contact form to start a dialogue.  That said, more than anything else, the site must show up prominently in major search engine results.

Although none of the comments above can be considered groundbreaking, it is still amazing how many firms have cookie cutter websites that offer no insight into the brand of the firm or can be distinguished from any number of other attorney web sites.  And that is if you can actually find them through a web search.  Many of these sites offer very little chance of converting first-time visitors into clients, as they do not take advantage of tools like web videos to personalize the site and do not satisfy the research component of a need-driven prospect searching the web for help.

Our firm custom designs every web site incorporating Google’s design and content guidelines to create useful, information rich sites that anticipate the content that visitors might be looking for.  All sites are constructed with logical link structures to help the search engine crawlers find your site and improve indexing.  Our proprietary newsroom engines are integrated into your firm web site and deliver optimized news articles and press releases through large distribution networks, including Google news, that create valuable link bait for highly effective web site optimization.

There is no time like the present to add that final ingredient for success on the Internet – a seasoned web-marketing partner that can make sure  everyone knows that you have all the right stuff.

For more information on lawyer web site design, custom blogs for attorneys contact Rene Perras  –

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